Why Veken Pet Fountain Red Light Blinking? [Solution]
Last updated on March 24th, 2024
If you have a Veken pet fountain red light blinking, this may mean that it needs to be cleaned. Take the following steps to clean your Veken pet fountain.

Remove the pump from the base of the pump assembly, which is located at the bottom of the water storage tank. Place it in a bowl or sink with warm water (not boiling).
Rinse out all parts of your pet fountain thoroughly, paying special attention to any frequency filters or other parts that are easily removable, such as spray nozzles or flow control valves. If needed, use a toothbrush to remove any debris that is stuck in crevices and cracks in these areas.
This article will provide you with all the information that you need so that you can enjoy years of use out of your new Veken Cat Water Fountain Blinking Red!
🐾Portable Pet Water Bottle🐾

What is the meaning of Veken pet fountain red light blinking?
Let everything dry completely before putting it all back together. This is a common problem that arises when your pet fountain stops working. The best way to get rid of it is to clean the pet fountain thoroughly and dry it completely.

If you notice that this light blinking, then there are several possible reasons:
- The water flow may be too high or too low according to your pet’s needs. In this case, open the spout cover and adjust it to the right position.
- You might have added too much water into the reservoir. This can be caused by several factors like too much salt or sugar in your pet’s diet, but you can check this by checking if any liquid comes out from it when you pour some water into it.
- There could be something wrong with the filter since it shows some dirt inside it after cleaning up all of these issues mentioned above
Why my veken pet fountain red light is blinking?
When your veken pet fountain red light blinks, it means that there is a problem with the pump or with the fountain. If you see the blinking red light on your veken pet fountain and you think it’s just a minor problem, then you should probably call for service.
The good news is that this is not very likely to happen unless there’s something wrong with the pump or the fountain itself. Most of the time, a blinking red light means that something is wrong with one of these two things, but how can you tell?
- The pump isn’t working properly
If you have a blinking red light on your veken pet fountain and nothing else seems to be wrong with it, then most likely something is wrong with your pump. You may need to replace this part if it is broken or damaged somehow. If this happens, your flashing red light will turn off once you get a new one installed into place.
- The filter needs to be cleaned
The primary filter is the most important part of your veken pet fountain. This is where all of the water is filtered through and then flows into the rest of the unit. If this part is not clean, it will cause issues when you try to fill it with water.
This can also cause algae to grow in your pet’s water bowl, which can make them sick. You may see some dirt or debris on top of this filter, but if it has been sitting there for a while and you don’t want to clean it right away, you can simply use a toothbrush and warm water to scrub off any residue.
- The pump needs to be cleaned
The pump that powers your veken pet fountain is often responsible for pushing all of the water through its internal plumbing system, including the filter and ball valve as well as all of the tubing that connects everything together within your unit.
If there are clogs in any of these components, they will prevent water from flowing properly through all of those parts; if this happens, then your fountain will stop working entirely until you fix whatever issue caused clogs in these components.
- The ball valve needs to be cleaned
When you notice that there is any debris caught in the ball valve, then you need to clean it out immediately so as not to cause any malfunctioning in your fountain. If this happens, then you might have to replace it with a new one and pay a little bit more money than usual for such repairs.
But if your fountain is working properly and you do not want to spend more money on getting new parts, then you can try cleaning out the ball valve yourself by using some vinegar and water solution and scrubbing vigorously until all dirt comes out from inside out.
- The timer needs to be reset
Most dog water fountains have a sensor that detects when water is running. This sensor is activated by an electronic timer that runs on batteries or electricity. When this timer reaches zero, it shuts off all power to the pump motor and stops producing fresh water for your pet fountain. If this happens, simply reset the timer by pushing down on it until you hear a click sound in order to reset it and start making fresh water again!
How to fix Veken pet fountain red light blinking?
If your Veken pet fountain is blinking red, this could be a sign that the water filter has stopped working. This is not a problem with the fountain itself and should be fixed as soon as possible.
If you are looking for ways to fix the blinking red light on your Veken fountain, here are some of the top options:
- Check the filter cartridge
If you see a lot of debris in your water and it is still blinking red, then this may mean that the filter cartridge needs to be replaced. To do this, remove the filter cartridge from its base and check underneath it for any debris or buildup.
You can also use an old toothbrush to brush away any dirt or debris that may be stuck in between the holes. If there is still no clearing of debris by using these methods, then it means that your filters need to be replaced and you can find replacement cartridges at most pet stores or online retailers.
- Clean the pump and hose
Clean out your pump housing and make sure all parts are moving freely inside of it. This includes any wires that connect directly to it as well as any hoses connecting them together. If there are any parts that have become stuck inside of filter pump.
- Turn off the power to the pump
If you have a timer set on your pump, make sure that it is turned off. This will prevent any debris from building up in the pump and causing problems with it later on.
- Check the filter
The filter should be changed regularly because it can become clogged with dirt and debris over time, which will cause problems with your pump later on down the line. Check the filter now and clean it out if necessary so that you don’t run into issues later on down the line after having an issue with your fountain not working properly at first glance.
Troubleshooting Steps for the Veken Fountain red light blinking
Step 1: Make sure that the battery is fully charged. The red light flashing on the fountain will turn off when the battery is fully charged.
Step 2: Check if there is any water in the fountain. If you see water or condensation on the top of your fountain, then leave it to dry out for 24 hours before using it again.
Step 3: Check if there is any debris stuck in one of the fountains spouts or nozzles. If yes, remove it with a small stick or toothpick and then clean using warm water and soap solution (do not use alcohol).
Step 4: Check if there are any other clogged pipes inside your home (faucets, toilets, showers etc.) which may be causing problems like this one to occur as well as causing water damage within your home as well. If yes, call an expert plumber immediately to fix this issue after which you can use your Veken Fountain again without any issues!
The Veken pet fountain is one of the most popular items to keep pets happy and healthy. The reason for this is that it gives your pets a safe place to drink water without having to worry about them falling or getting injured. It also prevents them from drinking too much water which can lead to dehydration.
If you have a new Veken pet fountain, then you should know how to use it properly and what you need to watch out for when using it. Without proper care and maintenance, your Veken pet fountain will not last long.