Veken Pet Fountain Manual – A Comprehensive User Guide
Last updated on March 24th, 2024
Whether you’re looking to keep your cat or dog hydrated or want to help your pet avoid boredom, a pet water fountain is a great investment. The problem is all of the conflicting information out there on the web. If we didn’t know better, we’d think pet fountains had some kind of high-level security clearance.

Fountains are a great way to keep your pet active, healthy and happy. Today, I’m going to take you step by step through the process of choosing a fountain for your pet. Let me begin by saying that if you don’t have a pet fountain yet, you owe it to yourself and your pets to give one a try!
The best pet water fountain is a clean one. Here’s everything you need to know about Veken Pet Fountain Manual. Pet owners spend a significant amount of money on their pets and the investment in a pet fountain is one that can save both time and money.
Portable Pet Water Bottle

Veken Pet Fountain Manual
If you are a dog owner, then you must have seen the Veken pet fountain in the market. It is one of the most popular pet fountains available in the market. The reason behind its popularity is that it has a lot of features that make it easy for your pet to drink water from it.

The Veken pet fountain provides fresh and clean drinking water for your pets all day long. Also, it removes all the impurities from water by using a filter that is present in the fountain. This makes sure that your pet gets clean and fresh water every time they drink from this fountain.
The following are some important facts about this product:
- The dimensions of this product are 2 x 3 x 2 inches. This means that it will not take much space when placed on any table or countertop in your home. You can easily place it anywhere in your house where you think is suitable for your pets to drink water from.
- The weight of this product is 4 pounds which makes it very light weight so that you can carry it easily from one place to another without feeling any kind of inconvenience or discomfort while doing so!
One of the most important things that you need to do when you have a pet is to make sure that they are really healthy. This is because there are many diseases that can affect them and it is always better for you to be safe rather than sorry. One of the best ways to make sure that your pets stay healthy is by ensuring that their water supply is clean and fresh all the time.
The Veken Pet Fountain Manual can help you with this task as it will provide you with all the information that you need about how to use this device correctly. One of the first things that you will notice about this fountain is how easy it is to clean.
The design of this fountain allows users to remove its parts easily so they can wash them thoroughly in order to remove any dirt or bacteria from them. It also comes with an automatic filter system which cleanses its water supply automatically without having any problems at all.
The fountain is available in two different sizes: medium and large. The medium size is suitable for cats, while the large one will be great for dogs of all sizes. If you have more than one pet at home, then you can purchase both sizes and give them each their own drinker.
This fountain comes with a replaceable carbon filter that helps to keep your pet’s water fresh by removing any unpleasant odors or tastes from their drinking water. This filter will need replacing every 2-4 weeks depending on how often your pet uses it, but we have found that most owners are able to change these filters out themselves without too much trouble. The filters are easy to remove from the fountain and install onto your new one – there’s no need to call an expert!
Veken Pet Fountain Instructions
- Fill the water reservoir with cold tap water to the fill line. Do not overfill to avoid leakage.
- Install the filter under the water level and ensure that it is securely fastened to the base of the fountain using clips provided. Remove the white cap from the filter housing, insert filter cartridge and replace cap securely.
- Place your Veken Pet Fountain on a flat surface free of vibrations such as a table or shelf. The bottom of your fountain must be at least 2 inches from any wall to allow air circulation through vent holes at base of fountain. Never place your fountain on top of another object such as another bowl or dish!
- Make sure that both pumps are plugged into an electrical outlet with proper voltage (110V AC only). The fountains will not operate without both pumps plugged in! You should hear a continuous hum coming from each pump when they are operating properly. If you do not hear this sound, please refer to Troubleshooting section below for instructions on how to troubleshoot your fountains if they don’t work properly after installation
Step 1: Set Up the Fountain
Place your fountain in a location where it will be level and undisturbed. Unpack the fountain, remove any protective materials, and place the bowl on a flat surface with the rubber feet pointed down.
Step 2: Fill Your Fountain
Remove the lid from your fountain and fill it with water up to the top of the overflow tube. Leave room for more water to be added if needed. Replace the lid, making sure that it is sealed tightly. Do not overfill!
Step 3: Add Filter (optional)
If you have chosen to use a filter with your pet fountain, now is the time to install it. Unscrew the top of your fountain lid and place your filter into its correct position inside of it. Replace lid onto fountain and tighten securely.
Veken Pet Fountain Manual Pdf
The Veken Pet Fountain is a drinking fountain for dogs and cats. It provides your pet with fresh, filtered water at any time of the day. It’s an easy way to encourage your pets to drink more water, which can help prevent kidney stones and urinary tract infections.
This pet fountain has three adjustable flow settings: high, medium, and low. The high setting provides more powerful streams of water while the low setting produces smaller streams of water that are easier on sensitive stomachs. The medium setting is a compromise between the two extremes. The fountain also contains a carbon filter that removes bad tastes and odors from the water before it gets to your furry friend’s mouth.
In order to clean this product properly each week, you’ll need a bottle brush or something similar to get around the edges of the bowl where gunk tends to collect after several uses.
How to use your Veken Pet Fountain:
- Plug in the power cord into a standard electrical outlet.
- Fill up the reservoir with cold water to desired level indicated by the water line on top of reservoir tank.
- Place fountain on a flat surface near an electrical outlet and plug in power cord into a standard electrical outlet. Make sure it is out of reach from pets or children (use caution when moving).
- Pour cold filtered water into the top of reservoir tank until full (approximately 1 cup). Do not fill above max fill line located on top of reservoir tank as this may cause overflow when pump is activated. Replace cap tightly after filling reservoir tank with water only! Do not overfill as this may cause overheating or damage to motor! If you add too much liquid, simply empty out excess liquid through side hole before plugging in.
What makes this pet fountain unique?
The Veken pet fountain has been designed to make sure that your dog receives the health benefits of drinking from a running stream of water. It also helps to keep their teeth clean and healthy, as well as preventing bad breath, plaque and tartar build-up. There are also no moving parts so it’s less likely to break down or clog up with hair like other types of fountains can do.
The Veken pet fountain uses gravity rather than pumps or filters to move water through the system. This means that it won’t make any noise while it’s running, which is great if your dog doesn’t like loud noises! It also means that there are no motors in the unit itself – so there’s nothing that could potentially break down over time or need replacing.
Veken Cat Water Fountain Instructions
The Veken Cat Water Fountain is a simple, yet effective way to keep your cat’s water fresh and clean. The fountain works by circulating the water through an activated carbon filter, which helps eliminate bad odors and tastes. The fountain comes with two replaceable filters that can last up to 3 months.
- Unpack your Veken Cat Water Fountain, taking note of any items that may have been damaged during shipping. If there are any problems with the unit, contact us immediately so we can resolve them for you.
- Remove the pump from its packaging, taking care not to damage it during removal from the box. You will need to remove any foam packing inside the pump casing before use (this will be easy if you have a vacuum cleaner handy).
- Attach the pump to the top of your Veken Cat Water Fountain using the included screws (included with your unit). Be sure not to over-tighten these screws or else they may strip out when you try to unscrew them later on.
- Wash the fountain before use.
- Fill the fountain with water, making sure that the water level is below the rim of the motor base. The maximum water level should be just below the top of the pump housing.
- Place your cat’s favorite food or treats inside the bowl of the fountain to entice him or her to drink from it.
- Plug in your Veken Cat Fountain and watch as your cat enjoys drinking from his or her new drinking fountain!
Veken Cat Water Fountain Manual
The Veken Cat Water Fountain is a durable, high-quality cat water fountain that will keep your pet’s water fresh and clean. The fountain has a stainless steel bowl, which prevents bacteria from growing on your pet’s drinking water. The stainless steel bowl also helps to keep the water at a consistent temperature for your pet.
The Veken Cat Water Fountain has an energy-efficient pump that allows you to use less energy than other fountains on the market today. The internal pump also provides a steady stream of fresh water for your pet to drink from.
The fountain is easy to assemble and disassemble for cleaning purposes. It comes with a filter that removes hair and dirt from the water before it gets back into the bowl at the bottom of the fountain. This ensures that your pet will never have to drink contaminated water again!
Read Also: How To Keep Fountain Water Clean and Safe For Pets
The fountain has a flow rate of approximately 1 gallon per hour and includes a replaceable charcoal filter that prevents bad tastes from flowing back into the water supply. The fountain also includes an AC adapter for continuous operation or can be used with batteries if needed.
The fountain comes in your choice of five different colors: blue, green, pink, purple or white. You can also choose between two different sizes: large (19″ tall) or small (12″ tall).
Veken Pet Fountain Assembly
Veken Pet Fountain Assembly is a great way to provide your pet with fresh water. The fountain features a large capacity reservoir that makes it easy to fill with water and keep your pet hydrated. It also has a low voltage pump that circulates the water to keep it fresh and oxygenated. This fountain features a large, easy-to-fill reservoir with a twist-off top to make refilling fast and convenient.
The Veken Pet Fountain Assembly includes everything you need to get started except for the water! The fountain comes with a low voltage pump, which provides an endless stream of fresh filtered water that will help prevent bacteria growth. This fountain also features an extra-large capacity reservoir for easy refills, along with an added feature of having an adjustable flow control valve on the back of the unit. This allows you to customize the flow rate based on your pet’s preference or needs.
Veken Pet Fountain Assembly. The Veken pet fountain assembly is a simple water pump that can be used with any type of water bowl or fountain. The pump is designed to help pets drink more water and stay hydrated. It’s also a great way to keep your pet’s water bowl clean and fresh-tasting, as the water flows through the pump before it reaches your pet.
The Veken pet fountain assembly is easy to use and install on a variety of fountains, bowls and other devices that can hold water for your pets. It has a special design that prevents pets from being able to chew on the electrical cord or getting their paws caught in it.
There are two different types of Veken pet fountain assemblies available: one with an AC adapter so you can plug it into the wall outlet, or one without an AC adapter so you can plug it into an outlet strip or surge protector. Both versions have an auto shut-off feature so they’ll stop running when they run out of water — this is useful if you’re not home when your pet needs to drink some more water!
Veken Pet Fountain Filter Direction
The Veken pet fountain filter is designed to be placed on the top of the fountain, or in the front panel. The water flows from the top of the filter down through the filter media and back into the pump unit. The filter should be cleaned every 2-4 weeks, depending on how much your pet drinks from it.
To clean your Veken Pet Fountain, remove all parts from the fountain and wash them with warm soapy water. Rinse thoroughly and allow to air dry. Once dry, put all parts back together in reverse order: Pour one teaspoon of vinegar into the water chamber, add water until full (1-2 cups), then plug it into an electrical outlet. Allow this mixture to sit in your fountain overnight (12 hours).
In the morning run some cold tap water through your fountain for about 30 seconds to flush out any residue that might have built up inside during the night. Empty this bowl and refill it with fresh water and allow it to run for another 30 seconds so there is no vinegar left in your fountain unit.
Veken Pet Fountain Filter Directions:
- Unscrew the top of your fountain.
- Pull out the filter from inside the fountain (the part with the black base and green top).
- Place a new filter in the base and replace it into your fountain.
- Screw on top of your fountain back on and plug into an outlet!
Veken Pet Fountain Instruction Manual
Congratulations on your purchase of the Veken Premium Pet Fountain. The ultimate water fountain for pets, this will provide years of enjoyment to you and your pet. Please read all instructions before using the fountain and keep them handy for future reference.
- Set up the base: Remove the base from the box. Place it on a level surface. Unscrew the cap from the center of the base and fill with water until full (about 3 gallons). Replace cap, tighten and turn clockwise until tight. Plug in cord into an outlet near base and then into a wall socket for power supply.
- Install Pump: Place pump on top of base, plug cord into pump’s receptacle and then into an outlet near base. Do not place pump over power cord or where it may be damaged by pets, children or family members who are unware of its presence or carelessly step over it while walking through doorways or hallways that lead to this area of your home.
- Install Fountain Head: Place fountain head into center opening at top of unit; turn gently clockwise until snug but not tight.
Veken Pet Fountain User Manual
The Veken pet fountain is a complete drinking water solution for your pet, with a built-in reservoir that holds up to 0.8 L of water and a replaceable filter that helps keep your pet’s water clean and fresh. It’s easy to use and ideal for cats, dogs or other small animals.
How it works:
- Fill the bowl with water from the faucet or fill it from another source.
- Place the reservoir on top of the bowl and connect the hose to the reservoir.
- Plug in power adapter into an electrical outlet and turn on the pet fountain with switch located on back side of unit near plug-in jack.
- Your pet will soon discover that there is fresh running water available at all times!
This Veken pet fountain manual is loaded with useful information and provides good insight into the fountain’s design, construction, and maintenance. There are many interesting facts about the proper way to adjust the flow rate for different animals. This fountain was made for cats but dog owners can use it too as long as they adapt it appropriately. We recommend reading the manual from beginning to end before you start using your water fountain for pets.
When it comes to choosing a pet fountain, there are quite a few options to choose from. What you need and your budget will likely determine what’s right for you and your furry friend. What’s more, with so many fountains to choose from, it can be hard to find the right one — it really just depends on what your needs are and what you’re looking for in a pet fountain.
For best results and longevity of use, we recommend regularly cleaning the fountain, especially if your dog drinks directly from the fountain. We also recommend you check with your veterinarian to ensure you are giving your pet the proper amount of water he or she needs per day. Most importantly, enjoy watching your pet play in such an interactive way with this toy!