How To Make a Pet Water Fountain?
Last updated on March 24th, 2024
Think of your pet as a member of the family, or imagine yourself owning one at some point in time. Chances are, you probably can’t do without giving them water. But if they’re like most animals out there, they might not give you the pleasure of drinking bottled water. This is why it’s just great to know how to make a pet water fountain.
Did you know that your pet can get dehydrated when left alone for a long period of time? You should see for yourself how many amazing water fountains are available for your pets. It is also important to make sure that you promote the healthy habit of drinking water in your animals.

When it comes to pet supplies, you can usually find a wide range of products for your pets. These products will always help keep your pet healthy and happy. A pet water fountain can be a great addition to your home. It is also useful if you have multiple pets as it enables them to drink from the same water source at once.
Here we are going to discuss about how to make a pet water fountain? Read the article to know the process thoroughly.
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What is a pet water fountain?
Pet water fountains are an excellent way to keep your pet hydrated, especially if you have a cat or dog with kidney disease. This can help prevent the formation of crystals in the urine and reduce the amount of work that the kidneys have to do.

A pet water fountain is a bowl with a flat surface on top. The bowl is filled with water, and the top has a continuous flow of fresh water coming out of it. Cats and dogs naturally drink from moving water, so this type of fountain keeps them drinking even when they’re not thirsty.
This can be especially important if you have dogs or cats that drink from streams, ponds or other non-tap sources of water where they could contract parasites or other diseases.
There are different types of pet fountains on the market today, but they all work basically the same way: they keep water flowing through them so it doesn’t stagnate and become contaminated with bacteria or other contaminants that can harm your pet’s health.
There are many benefits to having a pet water fountain in your home:
- It reduces the risk of kidney stones by helping your cat or dog drink more water. This will also help flush out toxins which could be causing any health issues that your pet might be experiencing.
- By encouraging them to drink more water instead of just taking sips here and there throughout the day, you can reduce how often they need to go outside to urinate (especially if they’re older). This can also help prevent urinary tract infections as well as diarrhea or other digestive problems that may occur due to dehydration.
Why consider a pet water fountain
There are many reasons why you should consider adding a pet water fountain to your home:
Healthy pets
The movement of the water prevents bacteria from growing in stagnant water. Keeping your pets’ water fresh can help prevent health problems such as bladder infections, kidney stones and other urinary tract issues.
Reduced risk of accidents
If your dog prefers drinking from a running faucet or hose, then there is no reason why they shouldn’t have access to fresh flowing water at all times! A pet fountain allows them to drink without having to lift their head up higher than normal which reduces slobbering and messes inside your home.
Improved dental health
Drinking from a moving stream can reduce plaque buildup on their teeth because they have to work harder at keeping their mouth closed around the stream of water. This helps prevent dental disease which can lead to pain or even tooth loss if left untreated for long periods of time!
Reduces the risk of kidney disease
Dogs and cats can develop kidney disease if they don’t get enough water or if they drink too much water too fast. A fountain will help slow down the drinking process and allow them to drink small amounts frequently, which helps reduce the risk of kidney disease. It also makes it easier for older pets with stiff joints or other medical conditions that make it harder for them to bend their heads down low enough to reach the water bowl.
Prevents dehydration
Dehydration is one of the biggest killers of cats and dogs, especially during hot weather when they don’t have access to cool drinking water. With a fountain, your pet will be able to drink as much as he needs at his own pace without having to bend over or go searching for a bowl of water every time he feels thirsty.
How to make a pet water fountain
If you have a pet, you probably know how important it is to keep their water fresh and clean. One of the best ways to do this is with a pet water fountain. A pet water fountain is an automatic water dispenser that continuously circulates and filters the water. It keeps the water from becoming stagnant and allows your pet to drink from it without having to stick his head in the bowl.
A pet water fountain can be made at home using items that you probably already have around your house. You don’t need specialized tools or equipment, so it’s easy to make one yourself if you want to try it out.
- Decide what kind of fountain you want to make
There are many different types of fountains that can be made at home. Some people prefer an open-top design while others like closed-off models. The size and shape of your dog will determine which type of fountain would be best for them, but there are also other considerations such as noise level and ease of use that should be taken into account when selecting a model.
- Gather the materials you need
- You’ll need some basic supplies before making your own pet fountain, including:
- A bucket or tub (to serve as a reservoir)
- A pump (most pumps come
You’ll need a planter (if you’re making an indoor/outdoor fountain), water pump, tubing, bowl and filter system if necessary. Also gather any decorative materials that appeal to you — rocks, pebbles or other objects for lining the bottom of the bowl; plants for lining the top of the bowl; etc. Assemble your materials together according to the instructions provided by each manufacturer.
- Prepare the area where you will be working
The next thing you need to do is prepare the area where you will be working. Make sure it’s clean, and free of clutter or other objects that could get in the way while you’re working on the fountain. Also make sure that any electrical cords or power strips are out of reach so they don’t get damaged while you’re working on them.
- Assemble the pieces of your fountain
Now it’s time to assemble your pet fountain! The next thing you’ll want to do is attach the pump to the base of your fountain. This will keep everything together as one unit when it comes time to fill up with water. Next, attach the filter and tubing to the pump (you might need an extra set of hands for this part). Then attach the tubing from the pump into one side of the fountain bowl (the rubber cap should fit snugly over this opening). There should be a small hole in this cap for air bubbles to escape once everything is assembled). Now fill up your bowl with water until it reaches just below.
- Choose the right size
A good rule of thumb is to measure the length of your pet’s back from the tip of its nose to the base of its tail. If it’s less than 15 inches long, then getting a small fountain is probably a good idea because smaller dogs will not have enough room to drink from a large dish. If it’s over 15 inches long, then go for a large dish.
- Do a test run and check for leaks
Before you start cutting up pipes and drilling holes, do a test run to make sure everything works properly. Fill your fountain with water and plug it in. Make sure there aren’t any leaks or dripping sounds coming from anywhere. You should be able to see if water is leaking out of the fountain at any point, so just watch it for a few minutes while it runs and make sure nothing is dripping or overflowing onto the floor.
Conclusion: how to make a pet water fountain
Here we have discussed how to make a pet water fountains? As you can see, there are many ways to make a pet water fountain — and all of them are easy. Now that you know how to make a pet water fountain, all you need are a few materials and some basic knowledge to get started! And while you’re at it, check out these tips from other pet owners on other ways to keep your pets cool during the summertime.
There are some great benefits to making your own pet water fountain. You get to save money, it is a fun DIY project and the best part is – you can customize your homemade fountain with different materials and sizes.