Daily Cat Water Intake Calculator: How much they need?
Last updated on March 24th, 2024
If you’ve recently added a kitten or new cat to your family, one aspect of their care you will learn much about is water intake. An adequate Cat Water Intake Calculator is an important part of a healthy cat’s diet as well as an easy way to prevent urinary tract problems.

Cat Water Intake Calculator
🐾Portable Pet Water Bottle🐾

Cats are very active and curious animals. They not only explore the house but also their territory, investigate other animals and human alike. Being very active physically, cats require more water intake compared to dogs. Their water intake depends upon various factors as already mentioned above.
Are you wondering how much water your cat should be drinking? I have been in situations where I saw my cat having a bad day because of dehydration and wondered what would happen if he didn’t take in enough water. However, before getting into the details of this post, it will help you if you know why your cat needs to drink water. Keep reading to know about cat water intake calculator.
Why is it important to keep track of your cat water intake?
Many cat owners are unaware of the importance of keeping track of their cats’ water intake. However, it is a vital part of pet health and well-being.
The problem with many cats is that they do not drink enough water — and can even become dehydrated. This can lead to serious health problems, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Cats need to drink water because they are unable to produce it themselves. They instead get their hydration from the food they eat. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that most of their energy comes from meat proteins rather than carbohydrates or fats like humans do.
As such, they need extra water to compensate for this difference in metabolism between us and them.
How can I tell if my cat is dehydrated?
Your vet can check for dehydration by examining your cat’s eyes, ears, gums and tongue. If these are dry and sticky, then your pet may be dehydrated. In addition, a veterinarian will check the elasticity of the skin on the back of your cat’s foot in order to determine whether or not he or she has enough fluid in his or her body. A normal healthy foot will have a soft elastic surface that springs back into place when pressed down onto it; however, if there is no bounce back when pressing on this area this indicates that there is not enough fluid present in the body because it was absorbed by organs like kidneys while passing through them during urination process which causes dehydration if left untreated immediately.
What should I do if my cat isn’t drinking enough?
If your cat is not drinking enough, there are several reasons why this could be happening. The first thing to do is to check your cat’s water source. If your cat has been a good drinker in the past, but suddenly stops drinking, it may be because he or she no longer likes the taste of the water. If this is the case, try switching to bottled water (preferably filtered). If your cat is still not drinking, then you need to take him or her to a veterinarian right away.
Here are some reasons why cats stop drinking according to cat water intake calculator.
Dehydration: Cats can get dehydrated quickly if they do not have access to fresh water. They may also become dehydrated if they have kidney disease or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland).
Urinary tract infection (UTI): A UTI can cause a cat to stop drinking as well as urinating more frequently than usual. This is because the infection irritates the bladder and causes pain with urination. The infection can spread from the bladder into other areas of the urinary tract as well if left untreated for too long.
Kidney disease: Kidney disease can cause dehydration even before symptoms develop like increased thirst and urination frequency.
How much water should my cat drink? / Cat Water Intake Calculator
Cats should be drinking at least half of their body weight in ounces every day. For example, a 10 pound cat should be drinking at least 5 ounces of water each day. If you have a larger cat or one that is overweight, you may need to increase the amount of water they are drinking accordingly.
What should I do if my cat isn’t drinking enough?
If your cat isn’t drinking enough water and you are concerned about dehydration or kidney disease, there are several things you can do to encourage them to drink more:
Make sure there’s always fresh water in their bowl. Cats tend to prefer running water over still so place the bowl on a faucet or put it in the sink when filling up so that it has running water from the start. You can also try putting ice cubes in their bowl as this seems to attract some cats in particular.
How much water should my cat drink each day?

The amount of water that your cat should drink each day depends on several factors, including the size of the animal, its activity level and environmental temperature. However, most cats need about 0.03 oz. (0.85 ml) per pound of body weight in order to stay hydrated and healthy. This means that if your cat weighs 10 pounds (4.5 kg), he or she should drink about 0.3 oz (9 ml) of water daily — not much at all!
Cats can become dehydrated quickly if they don’t drink enough water, so it’s important to keep a close eye on your feline friend’s intake levels. If you notice that your cat isn’t drinking enough water or seems to be suffering from dehydration symptoms such as lethargy or poor appetite, contact your veterinarian right away because there may
How can I encourage my cat to drink more according to cat water intake calculator?
The easiest way to encourage your cat to drink more is by giving it a water fountain. Cats love running water, so they will be more likely to drink from the fountain than from a bowl.
If you don’t want to buy a fountain, there are other ways to encourage your cat to drink more water:
Add salt or tuna juice to the water bowl. This will make the water taste better for your cat and encourage him/her to drink more water.
Keep changing the location of the food and water bowls every day so that your cat doesn’t get bored with them quickly. Also, try putting them in different rooms at times so that they don’t always know where they are going when they are hungry or thirsty.
How do I know if my cat is drinking too much water?
Excessive water consumption is a sign of an underlying medical problem. The most common cause is diabetes mellitus. Other causes include kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, gastric ulcers, pancreatitis or even cancer.
The first step to determining if your cat’s drinking too much water is to rule out medical problems that cause excessive thirst and urination. Your veterinarian may recommend blood and urine tests to check for diabetes mellitus or other conditions that affect the kidneys or liver.
- If your cat has diabetes mellitus, there are several things you can do at home to help manage his condition:
- Feeding a low-carbohydrate diet helps control blood glucose levels in diabetic cats.
- Monitoring your cat’s blood glucose levels through regular testing will help keep them within normal limits.
- Administering insulin injections twice daily at the same time each day will reduce fluctuations in blood glucose levels throughout the day.
- A cat who has dental disease may find it painful to eat dry food and therefore drink more water to compensate for the lack of moisture in their diet.
- If you recently switched from canned food to dry food or vice versa, it could take some time for your cat’s digestive system to adjust — during this period they may drink more water than usual as their body adjusts itself to digesting different types of food.
How to calculate water in dry cat food with cat water intake calculator?
First, you need to know how much moisture is in your food. The easiest way to do this is to look at your food’s label and find the percentage of water.
To calculate the amount of water in your dry cat food, use this formula:
(Moisture Content / 100) x Weight of Cat Food = Amount of Water
For example: If your dry cat food contains 10% moisture and weighs 3 oz., then (10/100) x 3 = 0.30 oz. of water per 3 oz. of food.
Conclusion: Cat Water Intake Calculator
You might want to think twice before setting that cat water intake on 10ml a minute. You may think you know how much your cat is drinking but if it is going to the toilet more than its usual amount of two times a day and the colour of the urine is dark then you may need to revise your estimation of the amount.
So, there you have cat water intake calculator! The math might look scary to you at first—don’t worry, though. After a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to estimate your cat’s water intake in no time. And best of all: not only will you be able to make sure your cat stays hydrated, but you’ll also be able to do it without making any water mistakes.