Are Pet Water Fountains Safe? Criteria for Determining
Last updated on March 24th, 2024
Some pet owners say that water fountain has helped with problems like vomiting, diarrhea, gas, bloating and urinary tract infections. Some even say their pets have returned to a livelier and healthier life.
That is constantly the question that people ask. As we have all seen on the news, giving your pet water from a water bowl can be dangerous as it can grow bacteria rather quickly. If you give your pet water from a standing fountain, then you eliminate this risk altogether and ensure your pet has fresh water at all times. They require no electricity and are up to date with the latest technology.

Water fountains for pets are becoming increasingly popular. It is not a surprise why – they are great at ensuring your furry friend always has fresh, clean water on tap. Giving your pet fresh clean water is important because it helps to avoid waterborne illnesses and other problems due to contaminated drinking water. However, are pet water fountains safe? Are they as safe as bowls? In this article we are going to clear your this confusion.
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Types of pet water fountains
There are three main types of pet water fountains.
- Pet water fountains
These products are typically made with plastic or ceramic and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some pet owners like the look of a decorative bowl while others prefer a fountain that looks more like an ornament than a drinking source.
- Pet fountains with filters
Filters are commonly used to keep water fresh, but they also remove impurities and odors that can make your pet sick. The filter is designed to catch hair and other debris before it gets into the water supply.
- Pet fountains with heating pads
Some pet fountains include a heating pad that keeps the water at a consistent temperature year-round. A heated pad is especially beneficial if you live in an area where temperatures drop below freezing during winter months.
Are pet water fountains safe?
Pet water fountains are a great way to keep your pet hydrated. They’re also a convenient way to keep your floor and furniture clean. But there are some things you should know about pet water fountains that will help keep your pet safe, healthy and happy.
- Get the right size
Your dog or cat should be able to comfortably drink from their fountain, so don’t buy one that’s too large for their size or breed. Also, consider how many animals you have at home. The amount of water needed per day depends on the size of your animal and how active they are during the day. For example, a small dog who rarely gets out for walks will need less water than an energetic Labrador retriever or other large breed who likes to play outside all day long.
- Keep it clean
Keeping your pet fountain clean will help prevent bacteria growth and reduce the risk of disease transmission between pets if they share drinking bowls or sources of water in general (such as ponds). Cleaning instructions vary by model but most manufacturers recommend rinsing weekly with hot water and soap and occasionally cleaning with bleach solution (one part bleach: 10 parts water).
- Clean It Often
The easiest way to keep your pet’s water clean is to clean the fountain often. Depending on what type of fountain you have and how much use it gets, you should be cleaning it at least once every two weeks or so. If you notice any mold or mildew forming inside the fountain, empty it immediately and wash all parts with warm soapy water before replacing them.
- Know What to Do If You’re Pet Falls In
This may seem obvious, but if your dog or cat falls into the water while playing around in the kitchen or bathroom sink, they could end up swallowing quite a bit of water (and possibly feces too!). This can lead to serious illness including pneumonia or kidney failure if not treated quickly. If this happens, call your vet right away!
- Fill it right side up
A common issue with pet fountains is that they’re filled upside down or sideways. This means that when you pour in the water, it will leak out the bottom of the fountain instead of going into the reservoir as intended. You can avoid this by making sure that the fountain is always filled right-side up so that gravity does its job and allows you to fill it from above without any spills.
- Try a cover or canvas
If your dog or cat loves nothing better than drinking from their water bowl, a cover for your pet fountain is an excellent way to keep them from playing in their drinking source and spilling it everywhere. You can also try using canvas over top of your fountain if you want something more decorative than a plastic cover with holes cut out for drinks to flow through; this will allow you to have more control over how much of their drink gets wasted every time they
- Be wise about height
Some pet fountains feature a hose attachment that allows them to be hung from a doorknob or other area. If this is something that interests you, make sure that it’s high enough off the ground so that your dog or cat cannot reach it and knock it over in an attempt to get at their water supply. You should also make sure that there are no hazards nearby (power cords) that could cause injury if knocked into by an excited dog or cat jumping at the sight of fresh water coming out of its new fountain!
- Light is key (but know when to turn it off)
A pet fountain with a light inside helps prevent algae growth in the water by keeping it cooler and circulating oxygen throughout the container. But it’s important to remember that some pets might be attracted to the light, especially at night when it’s dark outside! Make sure that any pet water fountains with lights have covers so that your pet can’t get into them or knock them over.
- Cat toy safety
Cats love to play in water, and fountains are a great way to encourage this behavior. As long as you keep an eye on your cat while she plays, they can be a safe and fun addition to your home. However, there are some things you need to watch out for when setting up a pet water fountain.
- Clean the base
The base of the fountain should be deep enough for your cat to drink from without any risk of falling in or being injured by the pump. Make sure that all electrical cords are safely tucked away so that your cat cannot chew through them or get tangled in them. Use caution when plugging and unplugging the fountain; if your cat is nearby, keep him away from the cord until it’s completely disconnected from both sides.
- Clean the filter
Fountains that come with filters are very easy to clean. You can simply rinse them with warm water and use a toothbrush to scrub any dirt off the filter. If you have pets that like to drink from fountains, you may want to replace the filter every 2-3 weeks.
- Clean fountain reserves
It is important that you clean your pet’s water bowl regularly. This will keep bacteria and other germs from growing in the bowl and make it more pleasant for them to drink from. If your dog likes drinking from fountains, then it is even more important that you clean their bowl regularly. By doing this, you will be able to prevent any health problems from occurring as well as keeping their room smelling fresh!
- Make sure the pump is working properly
The first thing to do when troubleshooting a fountain is check for any blockages or debris in the pump mechanism. If there’s no obvious issue, unplug the power cord and remove the top portion of the fountain from the base. Remove all of the parts from inside (including any filters) and give them a good rinse in warm soapy water before reattaching everything back together again.
- Clean the pump periodically
If you have an electric fountain, it’s best to clean out the pump once every few weeks or months as opposed to only doing it once a year or so as some companies recommend. As part of your regular maintenance routine, you should also make sure that none of your pets’ toys or other objects have gotten stuck inside their drinking bowl because this could damage their motor over time.
Read Also: Are Pet Water Fountains Worth it?
Conclusion: Are Pet Water Fountains Safe
Are pet water fountains safe? We are hoping that you have got your answer. In any case, if you are concerned about the safety of your pet fountain, then it’s definitely a good idea to consider a ceramic fountain over plastic.
But this would only be relevant to you if you were concerned about all the ingredients and solvents that may be in your plastic drinking water at home. If this is not the case, then there is no reason at all to opt for ceramic. After all – when talking about pets, we must say that they are even more sensitive to these things than us!
In the end, we hope that this guide has been useful to you. If you are thinking about getting a pet water fountain for your dog or cat, we hope that you have learned about all the concerns and issues that these devices can potentially raise. In many ways, it is an excellent investment and something that can definitely benefit your pet. However, it’s also something that needs to be carefully considered to avoid unnecessary health concerns or wasting money.