How To Clean Veken Pet Fountain [Complete Guide]
Last updated on November 3rd, 2022
The Veken pet fountain is a great choice for any dog owner because they provide fresh, filtered water while making sure that your dog is drinking clean water at all times. However, it is important to maintain the quality of both the water and pump used in the fountain.

Not only does it look good, but this pet fountain can also keep your pet hydrated in a very convenient way. However, cleaning the Veken Pet Fountain isn’t an easy task. This is where you need to take into consideration all kinds of things before you start cleaning the pet fountain. Here is everything you need to know about this matter so that you don’t fail at it in any way.
Looking to clean Veken pet fountain? Here is everything you need to know to successfully clean a Veken pet fountain. Sometimes your best furry friend can help you create a new adventure by presenting you with an opportunity out of the ordinary. For me, that adventure was how to clean a Veken pet fountain. Here are seven steps to help you with cleaning your pump.
How often should I clean the Veken fountain?
The Veken Fountain is made from glass and stainless steel, so it does not need to be cleaned as often as other types of fountains.

Cleaning the veken pet fountain cleaning requires a soft cloth, soap and water. A gentle detergent can be used if necessary for stubborn stains. To clean your fountain, simply wipe it down with a damp cloth once a week or more often if necessary.
If you notice any buildup of mineral deposits in your fountain, fill the fountain with boiling water from a kettle or pot and let it sit overnight while the water cools down. This will dissolve the minerals that cause discoloration. Afterwards, wash out your fountain with soap and warm water before refilling it with fresh water.
The Veken fountain is a very low maintenance product. It requires very little cleaning and can be cleaned with a simple brush or vacuum cleaner. The lid of the fountain should be cleaned after each use to prevent debris from entering the pump chamber and causing damage.
The pump chamber should also be cleaned regularly with warm soapy water, then rinsed thoroughly.
What can I use to clean my dog’s water fountain?
You can use a mild household cleaner, like dish soap or vinegar, to clean most pet water fountains. Dish soap is an excellent choice for cleaning pet fountains because it’s safe for both people and pets, and it’s gentle enough for most surfaces. Dish soap is also very inexpensive, so you won’t have to spend a lot of money on expensive cleaners.
Pet fountains are generally made from plastic, so they can be cleaned with any type of mild soap that is meant for plastic. These soaps will help to remove stains and leave your fountain looking clean and shiny.
Vinegar is another good option if you want to clean your pet fountain but don’t want to use harsh chemicals. Vinegar is often used as an all-natural cleaner because it’s non-toxic and doesn’t leave any residue behind once it dries.
How to disassemble the veken pet fountain cleaning?
- Turn off the water supply valve on top of the fountain to prevent any damage caused by water leaks.
- Unscrew all screws on the sides and back of the fountain in order to remove panels from the main body. The panels are held together by 4 screws each so you will need to remove 16 screws in total.
- Remove the pump from inside and pull out the hose attached at its end with pliers or some other tool if necessary.
How do you disassemble a pet drinking fountain?
- Pet fountains can be cleaned by taking them apart and cleaning them individually. The steps in disassembling the fountain are as follows:
- Remove the pump from the reservoir. The pump will have a cord attached to it. Sometimes they are held in place with screws, or they may just pull out of their housing. If you cannot pull out the pump, unscrewing it will help remove it.
- Remove any filters that are present on your pet drinking fountain. These filters can be removed by gently pulling them off of their housing and rinsing them with water until all debris is gone.
- Clean all parts of your pet drinking fountain thoroughly with soap and warm water before reassembling it and putting it back into use.
How to Clean veken pet fountain cleaning
Step 1: Take the fountain apart
If your pet fountain is new, you will need to take it apart before you can clean it. Remove any parts that are screwed in or attached, and set them aside until they are needed again. If you have a smaller fountain, this may be as simple as unscrewing some screws on the bottom of the bowl and taking out the filter cartridge. For larger fountains, there may be multiple pieces that all need to be removed separately.
Step 2: Clear the water out
Once your pet fountain is completely disassembled, remove all traces of water from all parts. This can be done by using paper towels or a cloth and pouring boiling water over them. You want to make sure that there is no standing water in any part of your pet fountain after cleaning it; if there is, then restarting it will cause mold growth and damage to internal components.
Step 3: Wash the fountain’s parts
Wash all the fountain’s parts with soap and water. You can also use a cleaning solution like vinegar or bleach if you want to disinfect your fountain. Rinse all parts with clean water.
Step 4: Clean the pump
Take off the top cover of the pump by unscrewing it from the bottom part of the pump. Then remove all dust and debris from inside with a brush or towel.
You can also use a wet Q-tip to clean around the motor. After you are done, reassemble it back together and run it without water for 10 minutes to make sure that everything is working properly.
Step 5: Clean the filter
The filter is where most of the gunk that builds up in your fountain happens. It sits in a compartment under the water bowl and catches hair, fur and other debris as it flows through. To clean it, remove it from its housing and rinse it under running water. You can also use a soft bristle brush to scrub away residue. If you have hard water, you may need to use vinegar or baking soda to remove mineral buildup.
Step 6: Reassemble your fountain and refill with water
If you’ve disassembled your Veken Pet Fountain for cleaning purposes, now is a good time to reassemble it and refill it with fresh water. Follow these steps:
- Place your adapter back onto the base of your fountain if it was removed during cleaning; then hand-tighten until secure (no tools needed).
- Place your pump back into its proper position in the center of your fountain if necessary; then hand-tighten until secure (no tools needed).
- Place the spout back on top of your fountain if necessary (it should snap right into place); then hand-tighten until secure (no tools needed).
Step 7: Rinse, repeat, and enjoy!
Your Veken fountain should be clean after this step. If there are any areas that are still dirty, go back and scrub them again with a toothbrush or soft scrub. Make sure you dry all of the parts completely before putting everything back together.
You want to make sure that no water is left in any crevices or joints of your pet fountain because this could lead to mold growth later on down the road.
If you haven’t cleaned your fountain in a while and it is really dirty or has lots of hard water stains on it, then you may need to use some vinegar or lemon juice (1/2 cup) mixed with warm water (1/2 gallon) to help remove these stains before doing any scrubbing.
As you clean Veken Pet Fountain, be sure to unplug it first. After all, it is not likely to be a good idea if you get an electric shock when you clean it! Now start cleaning the fountain with a sponge and dishwashing liquid and water.
To remove all of the dirt, use small brushes or other available tools. You will also want to clean the filter in the same way. Make sure that you do not damage the motor as you clean it.
When our pet friend’s water fountain drips a bit too often, my father taught me to fix it by turning the spigot to the off position and then back on again. He told me that after a few times, the rust will be removed. I’ve tried this for a few months, and it works.
We are very proud of this article and hope it will not only help you clean your very own pet fountain, but also, as always, encourage you as we go through this journey to better health together. Take care.