How Do Pet Water Fountains Work? (You Must Know)
Last updated on March 24th, 2024
If you have own pets, then making sure that they take enough water is a very important task. And if you are tired of cleaning up the floor where your pet gets its water from, then pet fountains can be of great help. They’re meant to be filled with water and will make sure that your pet has access to it at all times.

Over the years, there have been numerous ways to guarantee this either through taking them with you to a pet store or just leaving a bowl of water out for them at all times. Although these methods are perfect for owners who don’t mind their pet drinking from dirty bowls or replacing their water supply daily, they aren’t effective for those who would like their pets to enjoy fresh and clean water at all times.
In today’s post, we’ll review how do pet water fountains work and share some of the benefits of having a pet water fountain in your home.
Portable Pet Water Bottle

Why do we use pet water fountains?
There are many reasons to use pet water fountains. These fountains help to keep your pet hydrated, which is a very important part of their health.

Water is essential for all living things and it is no different for pets. A pet water fountain can be used to provide your dog or cat with constantly flowing, fresh and clean water that they can drink whenever they want. This means that there will be no more dirty bowls lying around your house and no more walking over to the sink to turn on the water in order to fill up his bowl.
The main reason why people choose pet water fountains over other options is because they are much healthier for their pets. Most cats and dogs do not like drinking from stagnant water or dirty bowls.
This can lead to them getting sick and possibly develop infections in their mouths or stomachs if they do not drink enough water on a daily basis. This is especially true if you have more than one cat or dog at home, as competition for the bowl may cause some animals not get enough water due to stress or fighting over territory in the house.
Pet fountain models come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors so you can find one that fits perfectly into any room you want it.
Pet water fountains come with different features that make them stand out from the rest. Some of these features include:
Elevated bowls
The elevated bowl allows your dog to drink while standing up without bending down to reach the water. It also makes it easier for them to drink without spilling their water everywhere!
Filters are usually used on pet fountain models that use plastic tubing instead of metal ones. These filters catch any gunk or debris in the system before they affect your pet’s health.
UV light
The UV light kills bacteria and other microbes in your pet’s drinking water so they will be healthier overall!
Benefits of using pet water fountains
Pet water fountains are an excellent way to ensure your pet has fresh, clean water available at all times. Not only do they help keep your pet healthy and hydrated, but they also make it easier for you to ensure their water is always available.
Here are the top 5 benefits of using a pet water fountain:
- Helps Prevent Kidney Stones
One of the most common causes for veterinary visits is kidney stones in dogs and cats. These stones form in the kidneys when there is too much calcium or other minerals in the urine. This usually happens when animals don’t drink enough water, which leads them to produce concentrated urine. Drinking from a fountain helps prevent this problem by providing fresh, flowing water that encourages drinking more often throughout the day.
- Reduces Bad Breath
Dogs and cats can develop bad breath from several different causes including dental problems like plaque build-up or chronic gum disease (gingivitis). By making sure your pets always have access to fresh running water, you’ll limit their exposure to bacteria that cause these conditions as well as reducing their risk for developing mouth sores due to dehydration. This will help keep their breath smelling fresher longer!
- Healthier gums and teeth
Water fountains for dogs make it easier for them to drink more water by offering fresh running water. This keeps their teeth and gums strong, which can prevent dental issues like plaque buildup and bad breath.
- Less mess
Water fountains also help keep your floors cleaner because your dog will be less likely to splash water everywhere when he drinks from the fountain. This means less cleanup for you!
- Fresh water all day long
Dogs don’t like stale or contaminated water, so using a continuous flow dog water fountain helps keep their drinks fresh all day long! If you have multiple dogs, this is especially important because they won’t have to wait until someone else finishes drinking before they can have some fresh water. This can be particularly beneficial if you have older dogs or smaller dogs who may not drink as much as others in the house (like puppies).
Read Also: How To Make a Pet Water Fountain?
How do pet water fountains work and the basics of them
A pet water fountain is a great way to keep your dog or cat hydrated while they are at home. Dogs and cats have different needs when it comes to drinking water, but both benefit from having access to fresh water all day long.
If you are considering getting a pet fountain, here are some things to consider:
Your pet’s size
Smaller dogs and cats can drink from a bowl, but if your pet is larger then you will need to get a fountain that can accommodate their size. The biggest issue with this is that some fountains only come in one size, so if you have a very large dog, then there may not be an option for you.
If your pet likes swimming or splashing around when drinking then make sure that the fountain has enough room for them to play in it without getting splashed out of the bowl. If they like drinking from an open bowl or stream of water, then look for something that offers several streams of water so that they can drink from whichever one they prefer at the time.
Water flow options: Some fountains have multiple options for how much water flows out of them at once and this can be important.
Working process
Pet water fountains work by circulating the water and keeping it clean. They do this by having a pump that forces it up through the fountain into the spout, where it falls back down into the bowl below. The movement helps to keep bacteria from building up on the surface of the bowl and ensures that your pet always has fresh drinking water available.
The most basic pet water fountains have one spout, but there are also models with multiple spouts and different levels or depths of bowls so that more than one pet can drink at once if need be. Fountains with multiple spouts are often referred to as “multi-pet” fountains, which is another way of saying they’re designed for multiple cats or dogs who want to drink from them at once!
How to find a good water fountain for your pet
A cat fountain is a great way to keep kitty hydrated and happy. Cats are naturally drawn to running water, so it makes sense that they would enjoy a fountain.
However, not all fountains are created equal. If you’re in the market for a new fountain for your furry friend, here are five things to consider before making a purchase:
- Size
The first thing you’ll want to consider is the size of your chosen fountain. A good rule of thumb is that if your cat can climb into it, it’s probably too small for them.
- Placement
If possible, try placing your cat’s new water bowl in an area where kitty will have plenty of room around it to move freely and drink comfortably without being cramped or crowded by other pets or family members (or both). If there’s no place like this in your house, consider placing their new fountain on top of something tall like a shelf or cabinet so they can climb up on top of it if need be. This will also help keep curious dogs from trying to join in on their fun!
- Keep it clean
A good cat fountain should be easy to clean and maintain, especially if it’s going to be used by multiple cats in the house. Make sure there are no hard-to-reach places that need special tools or brushes to clean out.
- Safety first
A cat’s instinct is to drink from running water, so make sure your fountain has a slow-moving stream of fresh water coming out of it at all times to prevent accidental drowning of your precious kitty!
- Water temperature matters
Cats prefer room temperature water when they drink, so look for a fountain that allows you to adjust the temperature or has an automatic feature that keeps it at a constant level no matter what time of year it is outside (or inside). This will make them feel more comfortable drinking from the fountain instead of their usual bowl of water that might be sitting in front of their food dish
Conclusion: How Do Pet Water Fountains Work
If you want to keep your pet healthy and hydrated, you can’t do better than an automated pet water fountain. Whether you’re looking for convenience or peace of mind, these fountains are a terrific choice that will make life easier for everyone. A higher price tag may be a deciding factor at first, but the benefits will continue to grow over time.
Here we have discussed about how do pet water fountains work? As you can see, water fountains are indeed a great way to keep your pet hydrated and happy. Once you have had success with bottled water, there is no doubt that great strides have been made towards keeping your pet healthy. However, it is not alone in the factor of battling dehydration and keeping your pet happy. Remember to check back for our next guide on pet food dispensers, because there just might be a better alternative for you and your special pet!